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Personalised POPI and PAIA manuals for R 2000 per scheme

Our preferred litigation partner, DTB Attorneys are running a special offer until 10 May 2023 to create personalised POPI and PAIA manuals for your Community Scheme at only R 2000 per manual to ensure your Community Scheme is compliant with the requirements of the law.


With the CSOS deadline coming into effect on the 10th of May 2023, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Community Scheme is POPI and PAIA Compliant with the necessary manuals in place.

Request Your POPI and PAIA Manuals Now

What will you receive?

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Electronic POPI and PAIA manuals personalised to your Community Scheme written by a legal specialist

blue tick


Learn how to implement the POPI and PAIA regulations within your Community Scheme